Top Web:

Polybond RHP 85 gsm is an overall coated top web solution made of a 80 gsm fiber matrix saturated with a selection of water-based, synthetic and soft resins to dramatically enhance the mechanical behavior (resistance to puncture, burst, tearing, etc.) of the material. The 5 gsm heat reactive adhesive layer applied on this reinforced base provides strong sealing performance (sealing strength,superior
runnability) while ensuring perfect aseptic opening, including a soft peeling effect.

With a renewable resource content of more than 70% for better environmental performance, Polybond RHP 85 gsm is designed to seal to flexible formable film grades such as PA/PE, PP/PA/PE or EVA/Surlyn/EVA substrates. Polybond RHP 85 gsm is compatible with EO and irradiation sterilization processes.


Polybond RHP 85 gsm is recommended for packaging drapes, gowns, type of products as well as all other medical devices that require mechanical strength, flexibility of web when peel opening and high seal performances for safety during handling, sterilization and transport.

Material description

Product designation POLYBOND ® RHP 85 gsm
Product description Coated Polymer Reinforced Web
Recommended sterilization EO / Irradiation
Substance ISO 536 g/m² 85
Substance ISO 536 lb 52
Thickness ISO 534 µm 100
Thickness ISO 534 mil 3.9
Tensile strength ISO 1924-2 kN/m 5.25
Burst strength ISO 2758 kPa 400
Tearing strength ISO 1974 mN 625
Cobb test ISO 535 g/m² 18
Pore size EN 868-2:2009 (App. E) μm 19
Air permeance ISO 5636-3 μm/Pa.s 2.5
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