Top Web:

Polybond RCP 83 gsm is an overall coated top web solution made of an 80 gsm fiber matrix saturated with a selection of water-based, synthetic and soft resins to dramatically enhance the mechanical behavior (resistance to puncture, burst, tearing, etc.) of the material. The 3 gsm heat reactive adhesive layer applied on this reinforced base provides controlled sealing performance (sealing strength, high runnability) while ensuring a perfect aseptic opening, including a soft peeling effect.

With a renewable resource content of more than 70% for better environmental performance, Polybond RCP 83 gsm is designed to seal to flexible formable film grades such as PA/PE, PP/PA/PE or PP/PE substrates.

Polybond RCP 83 gsm is compatible with EO and irradiation sterilization processes.


Polybond RCP 83 gsm offers a combination of reinforced materials and medium thickness gauge which is particularly adapted for the packaging of medical devices that require a large peel angle.

The repeatability of the seal performance also provides a high level of safety. A sterile barrier system particularly fits for catheters, tubings, and infusion sets, but also for small gowns or kits which are packed in flexible formable packaging.

Material description

Product designation POLYBOND® RCP 83 gsm
Product description Coated Polymer Reinforced Web 83gsm
Recommended sterilization EO / Irradiation
Substance ISO 536 g/m² 83
Substance ISO 536 lb 51
Thickness ISO 534 µm 100
Thickness ISO 534 mil 3.9
Tensile strength ISO 1924-2 kN/m 5.8
Burst strength ISO 2758 kPa 400
Tearing strength ISO 1974 mN 625
Cobb test ISO 535 g/m² 16
Pore size EN 868-2:2009 (App. E) μm 17
Air permeance ISO 5636-3 μm/Pa.s 2,4
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