Preventing Nosocomial Infections: French perception and practices - ENGLISH VERSION


21th June 2017 Cases of nosocomial infections are regularly covered by the media. Again, very recently, the deaths of four extremely premature infants who were contaminated with staphylococcus aureus made headlines in the news.

Preventing nosocomial infections<br>(English - PDF)

Prévention des Infections Nosocomiales: Perception et pratiques françaises - FRENCH VERSION


21 juin 2017 Des cas d’infections nosocomiales sont régulièrement médiatisés. Encore très récemment, le décès de quatre grands prématurés contaminés par le staphylocoque doré s’est retrouvé à la une de l’actualité.

Prévention des Infections Nosocomiales<br>(Français - PDF)

Innovative strategies to save on overall packaging cost


The medical device manufacturing industry leans towards the conservative side when it comes to packaging material selection and rightfully. Packaging materials play a key role for physical protection of ...

Sterimed White Paper Cost Reduction<br>(English - PDF)